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Photos of Parish Life

"Encountering God as Men" Series

March 23, 2021
In honor of St. Joseph -- the patron of fathers, families and the universal Church -- the second of the two-part "Encountering God as Men" series for men was held Tuesday evening, Mar. 23, at the North Church. The event included reflections on St. Joseph by parishioner Joe Bassindale. Participants also heard inspiring talks and personal stories of encountering God in suffering and in love, by guest speaker Bruce A. Lanser.

Holy Thursday 2019

April 18, 2019

Holy Thursday is the day that Catholics commemorate the three pillars of their faith: the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the priesthood, and the Mass. Father Patrick Burns presided at the Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, held at 7 p.m. This was the beginning of the Easter Triduum celebration. The washing of the feet, symbolic of Jesus washing the feet of the apostles, is an important element of Holy Thursday. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the congregation processed to the lower church for prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

February 7-9, 2020

Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and there are miracles to prove it. From February 7-9, San Salvador Council Knights of Columbus hosted the Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit at St. Francis Borgia. Over 100 miracles were highlighted where Eucharistic hosts miraculously turned into visible flesh and blood. Hundreds of parishioners and others from the area came to see the display and were amazed and edified. (Note: extensive information, including links to individual displays, can be viewed online at http://therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/engl_mir.htm.)


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