Photos of Parish Life

Food Blessing and Easter Vigil 2023

Blessing of the Food

All were invited to bring any food and ingredients that were used in Easter meal preparation on Sat., April 8 at 12 p.m. on the North Church Plaza. It is tradition to bring the Easter food to Church in order to give thanksgiving to God for the food and for the fellowship that we are about to share.

Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil began at 8 p.m. at the North Church with the lighting of the Easter candle on the North Church Plaza. Afterwards parishioners processed into the Church with their lights candles to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. 12 people were welcomed into the Church that night. Following Mass, a reception was held in the North Church to celebrate the new members into the Catholic Faith.

Fr. Shane Johnson celebrates Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday

April 11, 2021

On April 11, Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Shane Johnson presided at the 10 a.m. Mass at the North Church, with Deacon Michael Malucha assisting. Since the beginning of Lent 2021, the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass has been celebrated ad orientem. This means that for parts of the Mass, the priest and the people face the same direction, symbolizing that the words during that time are spoken directly to God. When the priest turns toward the people, he is in dialogue with the people. Fr. Shane is a priest-son of St. Francis Borgia; he attended Mass at the historic stone church and graduated from the parish grade school. He was ordained in 2009 and since 2012 has served parishes in New York City. Fr. Shane’s parents are parishioners Alan and Cheri Johnson.

All Saints Day Party 2021

November 3, 2021
On Wednesday, Nov. 3, children from St. Francis Borgia's St. Bonaventure Choir and Christian Formation program celebrated All Saints' Day with a heavenly party. Children played saint-themed games and met "saints alive" who shared about their lives. A saint costume contest produced some very holy guests. The children prepared for the event by learning about a saint of their choice and completing a saint project, which was entered in a contest. Thank you to everyone who made this party possible. All you holy saints and angels, pray for us.

Dedication of Infants’ Memorial

September 14, 2019
On Saturday morning, September 14, the St. Francis Borgia cemetery was the setting for a solemn gathering to commemorate the more than 60 million children lost to legal abortion since Roe v Wade in 1973. In addition, the newly installed infants' memorial was dedicated. Recent research using ground-penetrating radar at the cemetery revealed 197 unmarked graves, including 46 graves of stillborn and very young infants, born to poor parents unable to afford proper burial. Those graves are marked by crosses. The infants’ memorial and crosses are thanks to the generosity of our parish members and the Knights of Columbus. The service and dedication were led by Fr. Patrick Burns. The event was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and our Respect Life Committee.


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