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Photos of Parish Life

Fr. Eds Requiem Mass

The Mass of Chrsitian Burial for Fr. Ed. Wawrzyniakowski was held on August 11 at the North Church. Fr. Ed passed away at the age of 92 and was St. Francis Borgia's 27th pastor serving "27 years and 4 months", our longest serving pastor on August 2, 2022. Archbishop Listecki presided with about 150 in attendance, followed by a burial at St. Francis Borgia cemetery.

Parish Day of Service

May 8, 2021Our annual Parish Day of Service was held at the North Church on Saturday, May 8. The day began at 8 a.m. with a prayer in church. There were more than 50 parishioners – school families, Christian Formation families, older parishioners, young parishioners, teens and even a one-year-old – working together to clean up the parish grounds. Of special note were the clean-up of the old foundation and fire pit area, and the garden beds in front of the rectory and around the grounds. It was a beautiful day filled with laughter, conversation and relationship building. Following the morning’s work, there was a pizza lunch on the plaza for fun and fellowship.

Pre-Lenten Pilgrimage

March 2, 2014
On Sunday, March 2, 47 parishioners went on a pre-Lenten pilgrimage. The pilgrims traveled to Chicago and toured St. John Cantius church, where they attended Mass. St. John Cantius is one of the patron saints of Poland and St. John Paul II had a particular devotion to him. The pilgrims also went to Marytown in Libertyville, IL, which is the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe, who offered his life for another prisoner at the Auschwitz death camp. The pilgrims viewed a video on St. Maximilian, toured the Kolbe museum, and then consecrated themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary. By traveling on a rented coach bus, the pilgrims could pray the rosary together, and watch a DVD about the restoration of St. John Cantius church. They also watched DVDs by Fr. Michael Gaitley. The genesis for this trip was from the “That Man is You” parishioner group. Members had gone through a 33 day at-home retreat, studying the book “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Fr. Gaitley, to culminate in a consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The pilgrimage offered the consecration opportunity, with a tie-in to the book, and was opened up to other parishioners who wanted to attend. Click to view gallery.


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