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Photos of Parish Life

International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles 2023
The International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles was held at St. Francis Borgia North Church Hall the weekend of February 18-19 and was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. This exhibit displayed boards with miracles of over 100 Church-documented miracles where Hosts have turned into visible flesh and blood. These signs have been thoroughly investigated and found to be miraculous. The Knights of Columbus raised over $500 for the Real Presence Association (caretakers of the exhibit) to help them continue spreading their message.
Holy Thursday 2019

April 18, 2019

Holy Thursday is the day that Catholics commemorate the three pillars of their faith: the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the priesthood, and the Mass. Father Patrick Burns presided at the Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, held at 7 p.m. This was the beginning of the Easter Triduum celebration. The washing of the feet, symbolic of Jesus washing the feet of the apostles, is an important element of Holy Thursday. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the congregation processed to the lower church for prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Outdoor Rosary Rally at South Church

Oct. 13, 2018
On Saturday, Oct. 13 at noon, a Public Square Rosary Rally was held outside the St. Francis Borgia South Church. This was one of thousands of similar public events across the country – and the fourth in Cedarburg since 2014. As stated in a local newspaper article publicizing the event, “There are those trying to push God from the public square. But without God, where will our leaders get the wisdom to solve the great problems we face? We must pray for God’s help to bless our nation with good leaders.” The rosary rallies are held on the Saturday closest to October 13, which is the date of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the miracle of the sun in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.

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