Photos of Parish Life

Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2022
The Easter Triduum was celebrated at the North Church on Holy Saturday, April 16. Mass began at dusk with lighting of the Easter Candle on the plaza of the North Church followed by a procession into Church to celebrate the rising of our Lord Jesus Christ. A beautiful welcome celebration was held for those being baptized, receiving their First Communion, Confirmation and being welcomed into the Church. A light reception was held following Masses for those in the RCIA program.
Fr. Patrick’s Installation as Pastor

June 15, 2019
On Saturday, June 15, Fr. Patrick Burns was formally installed as the pastor of St. Francis Borgia Parish. The ceremony was held during the 4:30 p.m. Mass at the North Church, with Archbishop Jerome Listecki presiding. On this special occasion, the Knights of Columbus served as an honor guard during the entrance procession. Fr. Patrick concelebrated the Mass along with former pastor Fr. Tom Eichenberger and several other priests. During the installation, the archbishop spoke about the importance and role of the pastor in the life of the parish. Then he "introduced" Fr. Patrick to his parish staff, the members of the finance and pastoral councils, and the trustees, as if they were meeting for the first time. Upon their introduction, each one proceeded to the altar and shook Fr. Patrick's hand. After Mass, parishioners congratulated Fr. Patrick in the gathering space and in the church hall where a reception was held in his honor.

Parish Festival/Picnic
August 10, 2014Sunday, August 10, was a picture-perfect day for our parish festival/picnic, held on the grounds of the north church. As is evident in the photos, the festival was a fun event for children of all ages. Fr. Justin Lopina entertained the crowd with his juggling, and the Uganda Twinning booth offered handmade crafts from East Africa. An appreciative audience enjoyed the food and beverages served in the main tent, while they listened to music by parishioner groups. This included local entertainer and parishioner Vic DiCristo with his band “The Generation Gap.” Other activities included a pancake breakfast, book sale, silent auction, bingo, and a raffle. An exciting feature of this year’s festival was the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Education & Activity Center. Pictures from that event are provided as a separate Photo Gallery item. Click to view gallery.

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