Photos of Parish Life

Vocation Night 2023
Our Christian Formation classes held a special Vocation Night. The evening included skits, rosary making, and learning about different aspects of religious life. Members of various religious orders and seminarians came to share with the children about their vocation stories.
Fr. Shane Johnson celebrates Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday

April 11, 2021

On April 11, Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Shane Johnson presided at the 10 a.m. Mass at the North Church, with Deacon Michael Malucha assisting. Since the beginning of Lent 2021, the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass has been celebrated ad orientem. This means that for parts of the Mass, the priest and the people face the same direction, symbolizing that the words during that time are spoken directly to God. When the priest turns toward the people, he is in dialogue with the people. Fr. Shane is a priest-son of St. Francis Borgia; he attended Mass at the historic stone church and graduated from the parish grade school. He was ordained in 2009 and since 2012 has served parishes in New York City. Fr. Shane’s parents are parishioners Alan and Cheri Johnson.

Palm Sunday 2019

April 14, 2019

April 14 was Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. The photos in this gallery were taken at the 10 a.m. Mass, which started outdoors at the entrance to our Marian Shrine, with the reading of the Gospel about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. From there—palms in hand—parishioners processed into church for the blessing of the palms and Mass, including a reading of the Passion.

Farewell Dinner for Fr. Tom

June 16, 2017
On Friday, June 16, a sit-down dinner was held at Shully’s in Thiensville to honor our pastor, Fr. Tom Eichenberger, for his 14+ years of service to the parish. Fr. Tom described it this way: “The glasses were full; the laughter was loud; the program was short; and the applause was almost thunderous. Even Archbishop Listecki made an appearance by video. It was thrilling, and one of the top moments of my life.”

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