As seniors consider downsizing and/or changing their living arrangements, they can face a myriad of options. Which one is best for you? St. Francis Borgia will host a presentation on Monday, July 17 at 6 p.m. that will highlight some of those options and present information that could aid in your decision process. The presenter is Abby Bretl, an SFB parishioner who is a senior residency counselor.
The information presented is most pertinent for those age 60 and older. Family members who assist with your decisions, friends and neighbors are also most welcome! We’ll have snacks and beverages, as well as great info and a good discussion.
If you think about and plan for your next living situation before a crisis arises, it will be easier for you and your family. Please join us to learn more about options that are available in the local area.
RSVPs are needed so that we have enough materials for everyone. Please call Julie in the parish office (262-377-1070) or email her by Tuesday, July 11 and let her know the names of those who’ll be attending. Hope to see you there!