What is the St. Francis Borgia Endowment?
The Endowment is a long-term investment that allows us to plan for the financial future of our parish and school. All money contributed to the Endowment is added to the principal, which then accumulates interest. Only the interest or a portion of the interest is spent on the needs of the parish and school. The principal is not touched.
Why does the parish need the Endowment?
The costs of operating the parish and school continue to mount. Capital improvements, outreach programs and maintenance of quality education require continual support.
Where will my contribution go and how will it be used?
The St. Francis Borgia Endowment maintains a Parish Fund and a School Fund. Contributions to these funds are invested responsibly by a Board of Advisors appointed by the pastor. Only the interest earned from these investments may be allocated to the areas of greatest need for the parish and school. Normally, only a portion of the interest is spent.
When can I give to the Endowment?
Tax-deductible gifts to the St. Francis Borgia Endowment are accepted throughout the year and may be designated to the Parish Fund, the School Fund, or equally distributed to both.
How may I make a contribution to the Endowment?
- For those who use parish envelopes, see the special envelope in the packet that is mailed to your home or you can use the St. Francis Borgia Endowment form.
- Those who use electronic funds transfer (EFT) rather than envelopes may designate an additional amount for the Endowment as part of the annual Stewardship Offertory Campaign or anytime throughout the year.
- Donate now by going to our Online Donation page.
- You can contact your attorney or financial advisor to discuss ways in which you may make a planned gift through your estate.
- You can designate the Endowment in memory or honor of a loved one or event.
Is there a minimum contribution?
No amount is too large or too small. All gifts are tax-deductible. We do ask that any contribution be above and beyond your annual parish pledge.
Who can give to the Endowment?
Anyone is welcome to contribute to the Endowment.
Am I able to name the Endowment fund in my estate plans?
Remembering the Endowment in your will or trust is a meaningful way to leave a lasting legacy. Gifts of stock, bonds, gift annuities, remainder trusts and life insurance are welcomed and qualify the donor for membership in the Heritage Society. Contributors are also encouraged to give in honor or memory of loved ones.
What is the role of the Board of Advisors of the SFB Endowment?
The Board of Advisors oversees the St. Francis Borgia Endowment. Members include the pastor or administrator, trustees and other parish members. They are assisted by the work of the parish Stewardship Office.
Where can I get additional information?
For more information about the Endowment, contact the Stewardship Office at (262) 377-1070, ext. 327, or send an e-mail.