Do you support our seminary and the priesthood? Support the seminary with your prayers, in your conversations, and with your dollars. Here is a chance to help, have a great dinner, and meet many other dedicated Catholics from all around the archdiocese. Last year 1,000 people attended.
14th Annual Seminary Dinner
Friday, September 23, 2016
5:45 cocktail reception, 7:00 p.m. dinner
The Wisconsin Center
400 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee
Register online at Tickets are $150 per person or $1,500 for a table of 10. Fr. Tom says “I wish our parish could fill a table or two of supporters of the priesthood and our own St. Francis de Sales Seminary. You can sponsor Fr. Patrick and myself to sit at your table.”
You or your business can also take out an advertisement for the full-color Dinner Program Booklet. Your ad can promote your business or honor a priest from your past or present. Ads range from $350 for a full page, to $150 for a quarter page, to $50 for a 2-line name mention. Submit your order, test, or artwork by Sept. 2. For details contact Lisa at 414-747-6463.