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Thanksgiving ideas for Christian families

Creative Thanksgiving Ideas for Christian Families
By Mary Fairchild (taken from www.ThoughtCo.com)

Read a Thanksgiving Story

Set aside a few moments on Thanksgiving Day to sit down together and read a Thanksgiving story. Here are five of my favorite Thanksgiving books, which you can read alone or together with your family. They are geared for children, but can be appreciated at any age. The author’s suggestions can be found at https://goo.gl/vbNu1t.

Write a Thanksgiving Poem or Prayer

Take on the family project of writing a Thanksgiving poem or prayer together. Here are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving prayers, poems, and songs, including a poem I wrote. Feel free to share them with your family and friends this holiday. https://goo.gl/yZKSgq

Share Thanksgiving Bible Verses

Ask each family member to read a favorite Bible verse before the Thanksgiving meal. Here are Scriptures on giving thanks: https://goo.gl/yCiMrX.

Pass on a Thanksgiving Blessing

Invite a widow, single person, or someone who is lonely to share in your family Thanksgiving meal. Give a grocery store gift card to a single parent or a struggling family. Fill up a college student’s gas tank. Take a piece of pie to someone in a nursing home. The possibilities are endless, so put on your collective thinking caps and get ready to be blessed in return.

Give a Thanksgiving Offering

Prepare a Thanksgiving offering to give to a needy family or one of your favorite charities.

Go to https://goo.gl/yCiMrX for the complete list of 10 ideas.