We all make New Year’s resolutions and statistics tell us that many of us abandon those resolutions before the end of January!
In 2017, you are invited to make a resolution to explore and grow in faith with one of the many opportunities for adult faith formation here at SFB.
The first session in January, beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 10, will be “World Religions.” Tom Heinan, director of the Milwaukee Interfaith Conference, will talk about how it brings people together to dialogue and learn from each other. This presentation will be followed by several weeks of tours to visit places such as Congregation Shalom, the Buddhist Temple and the Hindu Temple, as well as the Milwaukee Islamic Society. You are invited to come for one session or for all of the sessions.
The next series, also beginning in January, is “outside the lines.” These gatherings will look at praying scripture and art – where do the two meet? There will be an opportunity to create your own prayer pieces of art. No need to be an artist for this series! Just come with the ability to think and see “outside the lines.” This off-campus series will take place on Wednesday evenings from Jan. 4 through Feb. 1 OR on Thursday mornings from Jan. 5 through Feb. 2. (Time TBD.) You can attend any or all of the sessions.
Complete details for both classes can be found on the Adult Formation page of the parish website or by emailing Tracy Dereszynski, Director of Adult and Family Ministry, or call her at 377-1070, ext. 250.
Also contact Tracy if you would like to be added to the Adult Formation Opportunities email list to learn about other classes in the months ahead.