Starting May 25, please pray the annual Novena leading up to the June 3 Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs! This day commemorates the heroic sacrifice made by brave young men who died for the truth of Jesus Christ. Their actions planted the seeds of the Catholic faith in Uganda. Today, millions of Ugandans, as well as Catholics from neighboring countries, travel to the Uganda Martyrs Shine on their feast day, which is a public holiday.
This year, let’s pray especially for the youth in St. Paul parish. They have many critical challenges affecting their spirituality: anxiety resulting from desire to be rich, modernity, mushrooming religious sects, lack of education/skills training, and escalating parental neglect in homes and communities.
Through our twinning relationship, we have been able to help our brothers and sisters in Uganda finish their church, build and add on to SFB High School, develop projects for youth and orphans, and support the Women’s Guild with their programs, including new vocational school. WOW. Thank you.
The most important thing we give them is hope. So, let’s continue to lift up our hearts in prayer for them and with them. The people of St. Paul‘s are blessed with great faith and they, in turn, bless us with their prayers. We’ll never know how many blessings are the results of those prayers.
Beginning Thursday, May 25, pray the Novena (written by St. John Paul II) for the people of St. Paul’s Parish. Pray the Novena for nine days, leading up to the Feast of St. Charles Lwanga and the Uganda Martyrs on Saturday, June 3.
Click here for the Novena text.
Thank you for putting God’s transformative love in action through prayer!