In October we will celebrate the 175th anniversary of the founding of St. Francis Borgia Parish! Here is your chance to be a part of parish history. Please consider donating to help offset the costs of the 175th Anniversary commemorative book and the celebration.
Donors and memorials will be listed in the book to show our gratitude and honor your generosity. Note: August 1 is the deadline to include names in the book.
Checks should be made out to St. Francis Borgia, with 175th in the memo line. We will use the name(s) on the check for the Donors page, unless you request something different.
If the donation is a memorial, please enclose a note that says “Memorial” and shows the name that should be listed. Any donations beyond the cost of the book and event will go into the general fund of the parish.
Donations can be sent to or dropped off at the parish office. Questions? Contact the parish office.