Your SFB Maintenance Department extends our wishes for a wonderful holiday season! A lot of good things happened this year to help keep our facilities in the best shape possible.
Major projects included:
North Church: major roof repairs, handicap door assists installed, major parking lot maintenance, fresh paint on all of the outside trim, and a lot of tree work and mulching.
South Church: a new boiler, doors and railings painted, and also lots of tree work and mulching.
We welcomed Tom Kandziora to the maintenance staff in February. Tom works on the second shift at our beautiful
We are all looking forward to 2018 and more opportunities to keep our buildings and grounds in the best shape we can. We want to wish all of you a blessed holiday season and the very best in 2018.
Darryl Draeger, Jim Schreiber, Dorothy Scherer, Gary Fatla, Tom Kandziora, and Brian Willbrandt