Adult Confirmation preparation is offered to baptized, practicing Catholics who have made their First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist but were never confirmed. Individuals are given the opportunity to review the fundamentals of the Faith, the meaning of Church, the commandments of God and the sacraments as means of Grace.
Preparing for Adult Confirmation
Convenient individual and small group Confirmation preparation sessions are offered. These sessions are customized to the individual candidate. The goal of the sessions is to assure that the candidate is active and formed in the faith, thereby satisfying the Church’s prerequisites for reception of the sacrament.
Confirmation sponsors
Confirmation sponsors are confirmed Catholics, active members of their parish communities, and are in good standing with the Catholic Church. Confirmation sponsors should come with you to some sessions, pray with you and for you, and be involved in your life after you are confirmed. Often, Confirmation sponsors are people you already know, but sometimes they are dedicated and faithful St. Francis Borgia parish members who are willing to get to know you during this part of your journey of faith.
If you are interested or would like to learn more, contact the parish office at 262-377-1070 or send an email. For information about other adult formation programs, see the Adult Formation / Education page.