Stewardship is our bread and butter. But here are some ideas for those who are looking for extra opportunities to share their good fortune.
Vocations Fund $500
This fund would allow Fr. Tom to purchase inspiring books and other religious articles for our priests and catechists to give to youth who may be interested in the priesthood or religious life.
Baptismal Font on Altar $4,000
Since virtually all our baptisms take place during Mass at the altar, we should have something more dignified than the punch bowl we currently use. A beautiful font speaks of the great dignity of baptism, where we become children of God.
Bibles $1,000
We would like to purchase quality, new Bibles, the Catholic Version, to be used by all school and Christian Formation children and adults at school and at Bible Study. A moveable cart is included.
Curio Cabinet for Relics $300
Fr. Tom is now moving the relics of saints from the office to the church, which is where they belong. We honor the saints, and since the days of the catacombs, the Catholic Church has kept the practice of venerating their relics.
Gas Grill for Rectory $500
14 years ago Fr. Tom donated the current gas grill to the rectory. Now it’s pretty well shot. The priests will think of you whenever they grill a hot dog or brat.
Christian Formation $300
Our CF department needs 12 CD players, so that each class from grades 1-5 can have their own player to use with the CDs that come with their textbook.
Please call the parish office at 262-377-1070 if you would like to donate a specific item – to make sure that item is still available for purchase.
If you wish to make a general donation that Fr. Tom can use to fulfill the list, please note “Wish List” on the memo line of your check. Put your donation in an envelope marked “Attn: Wish List” and return it in the collection basket, drop it off at the parish office or send it via US Mail.
Thank you for your kindness!