It is the role of the Pastoral Council to help SFB fulfill the pastoral mission of the parish by:
- Fostering growth within the parish family and the sharing of spiritual gifts and talents
- Encouraging positive relationships among all members of the parish
- Collaborating with other parishes and the wider community
Each year we seek parish members who would be willing to serve on the Pastoral Council. All parishioners age 18 and over are eligible to serve or to nominate candidates for the advisory committee. There is no limit to the number of nominees who can be included, as we have several positions open. Terms are for three years. Individuals will be chosen through the discernment process.
Our parish has experienced several highs and lows over the past 18 months and we are looking for candidates who would be willing to take on the challenge of helping the parish fulfill its mission.
Please begin to think and pray-fully consider possible candidates.
Nomination forms are available in the parish office during business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. – noon on Friday). You can also pick one up at the Information Station in the gathering space, or click here to fine the nomination form online.
If you have questions about the Pastoral Council, please contact the parish office 377-1070.