This is a summary of the Love One Another Campaign as it stands through January. The original parish goal was to raise pledges of $2.3M with $1.375M going to the parish. Through January the parish has raised pledges totaling $3.445M with $2.414M going to the parish. The Building and Grounds Committee is currently updating budgets for all projects with an expectation of being completed by the end of February. These projects will then be ranked in an order for execution purposes.
The parish will receive its first funds at the beginning of February and these funds will go to paying off the school debt which is $336,386, leaving the parish with no debt. The second set of funds will be received at the end of April and these funds will be used to replace the roofs on the North Church, Parish Office and Rectory this summer.
We are currently working on establishing a committee that will oversee the funds received from the Love One Another Campaign and the project execution with these funds. We expect to have this committee in place by the end of February. Through this committee we will provide an update each quarter on our progress.
Thank you for your generous contributions and participation in this campaign!
Leif Nygaard, Director of Administrative Services