The Mass intentions book for the first six months of 2022 is now open. (Intentions for the second six months of 2022 will open on Feb. 1.)
Please remember that we must limit Mass intentions to a total of FOUR per calendar year. The requested stipend remains at $10 per intention.
We also still have a number of intentions available yet in 2021, especially at weekday Masses. Intentions for weekend Masses in 2021 are extremely limited and are currently only available in November and December.
Each intention may be for one person or for multiple people if they are related (such as husband/wife, grandparent/grandchild).
While it is customary to offer intentions for the deceased, Masses may also be offered for special anniversaries or other requests such as wishes for recovery of health, etc.
You may inquire about Mass intentions by calling the parish office (262-377-1070) or visiting during business hours.