Over the past four years I have been blessed to create a relationship with Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge, an organization which has been fostering a ministry of compassion and friendship since 2007 by providing basic necessities such as clothing and hygiene products to the homeless, others who need support, and the surrounding Milwaukee community.
Many of our youth at St. Francis Borgia have had the opportunity to serve with Mr. Bob either through sorting clothes on Thursday evenings or serving the homeless community in Milwaukee on Saturday mornings. Our youth have an opportunity each month to sign up to serve with us – parents are always welcome to join us.
If you are interested in learning more about Mr. Bob’s and/or donating and serving, please reach out to me and I will help you get connected. Email KC Kranich or call 262-377-1070, ext. 351.
~ KC Kranich, Director of Youth Outreach