Please join us in praying a Memorare each day from now until our parish mission (Oct. 2-3). The Memorare is a prayer asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession. I have prayer cards available if you would like to learn the prayer and join the effort. You will find me in the gathering space after all Masses this weekend. The goal is to pray over 3,000 Memorare before the event.
We are all in need of healing. We have this unique opportunity in the coming weeks to prepare. At the parish mission on Oct. 2-3, we will hear from Fr. John Burns and Sr. Miriam Heidland who will help us surrender our suffering and our wounds to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is at work in our hearts and lives at St. Francis Borgia. Let us ask for grace to invite our families, friends, neighbors, those away from the Church and our enemies to come to the parish mission.
In Christ, through Mary,
Dave Braun, New Director of Apostolates