The Lector Ministry is an invitation for a deeper and more personal relationship with God; it offers a way to participate in the Mass more fully by proclaiming the readings and offering the petitions. The lector engages the community of faith and prompts their response to God’s Word. Lectors carry this role with great humility and sense of privilege as they serve as the human voice of God’s Living Word. According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy.”
We encourage any youth or adult to join the Lector Ministry. Experience as a public speaker is not a requirement; all are welcome to experience the fulfillment and growth that comes from participation in this ministry. Our Parish provides the opportunity to lector at daily, weekend, and/or special Masses throughout the liturgical year. Flexible scheduling catered to each individual’s needs is offered for any level of commitment that one may be willing to give our important ministry. We have youth lectors, college-age lectors, daily-Mass lectors, and weekend lectors. Each dedicates their time and talents according to their own personal schedules.
New lectors will receive the following formation:
- an individual or small group training session
- easy to follow training documents
- a Lector Workbook for weekly readings to help with genre, interpretation, pronunciation, and speaking tips
- access to Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) for easy scheduling according to one’s availability
- ongoing support as needed from the ministry leader
For more information and/or to join the ministry, please contact the parish office at 262-377-1070 or send an email.