The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process was instituted for use in all parishes in the United States in 1988 and from that time RCIA has been an active ministry here at St. Francis Borgia.
So who is the process for? It is for those who desire to become in full communion in our Catholic faith. If you have been baptized in any faith tradition, but were never confirmed nor received First Eucharist and now desire to do so, or if you have never been baptized and now hear the call to become in Full Communion in the Catholic faith by being baptized, Confirmed and receiving First Eucharist – then the RCIA process is for you.
Here at St. Francis Borgia we have a dedicated RCIA Team, and we would welcome the opportunity to sit down with anyone who hears the call, who has a desire to be in full communion in our Catholic faith. The first step is to inquire and that can be done with a quick phone call to the parish office (262-377-1070) and let them know you seek information on the RCIA process. Your information will be sent on to an RCIA team member and we will get back to you to set a time to answer all your questions and address any concerns you have. The next RCIA session will begin in October.
We would love to hear from you.