If you want to be guaranteed a long-sleeved Turkey Trot shirt, you must be registered by Friday, Nov. 18. Go to www.SFBTurkeyTrot.com.
The 8th annual Thanksgiving Day run/walk will take place at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 24 – after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. The Trot will start from the Education & Activity Center.
Even if you are not a runner or walker, we could still use your help to make this event a success. If you would like to volunteer to help on Thanksgiving morning, please contact the parish office at (262) 377-1070 or with an email.
We hope you will join us to kick off your Thanksgiving Day festivities with 8:30 AM Mass followed by a walk or run, and then coffee and Thanksgiving treats with family and friends.
Give thanks for all you’ve got – then do the Trot!