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Safe Environment Education classes at SFB

Because the safety of our children needs our top priority, the Catholic Church mandates that every employee or volunteer working with children/youth within our parishes and schools must attend a Safe Environment Education class; read the Code of Ethical Standards and the Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities; and have a background check done before they are permitted to work/volunteer in any school or parish-related job or activity that involves contact with children/youth. This includes, but is not limited to, teachers, catechists, sports coaches, extracurricular leaders/coaches, classroom or activity volunteers, playground/field trip/retreat chaperones, etc.

This three-hour class is a one-time requirement and your background check must be renewed every five years. St. Francis Borgia will be holding a class on Monday, Nov. 27 from 6-9 p.m. in the church hall. Attendees must pre-register. For the instruction sheet and a link to register, go to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safe Environment Education page. If you have any questions, please email Katie Stafford, SFB Safe Environment Coordinator, or call her at 262-377-1070, ext. 221.