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Welcome New Catholics with RCIA

Each year St. Francis Borgia Parish has the privilege and pleasure of welcoming new Catholics into our faith community at the Easter Vigil.  Those welcomed have participated with the RCIA(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) team-learning about prayer, sacraments, Saints, the life of the church and much more.

We are preparing for our 2016-2017 group. The people in our RCIA group might include someone who has not been baptized, one who was baptized into a different faith tradition or maybe someone who has been raised Catholic but has not been confirmed.

The RCIA process starts with a period of inquiry – very informal meetings with a team member a couple of times during August and September. Then we meet regularly from October through April.

If you are interested in RCIA or would like to learn more about it, please contact Tracy for information at 262-377-1070, ext. 250 or send an email.