Sometimes life throws an unexpected curve ball. If you or someone you know is facing a difficult time – due to COVID-19 issues or any other difficulty – there are many agencies and organizations that are able to help. If you don’t know where to start, contact St. Vincent de Paul and they would be glad to guide your efforts. Their information is in the list of resources below.
Advocates of Ozaukee
262-284-3577 /
With a commitment to safety, respect, and compassion for individuals and families, Advocates of Ozaukee works to end domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention services. Offers 24-hour crisis line, temporary housing and food, advocacy and counseling, emergency trans-port to shelter, etc.
COPE Hotline
262-377-2673 /
24-hour helpline providing emotional support and crisis intervention. COPE provides a helpline, educational materials and programs. Calls are answered by trained volunteer listeners. All calls are anonymous and confidential.
Energy Assistance of Ozaukee County
This assistance is a one-time payment and not intended to cover the entire cost of your home energy needs. For assistance with energy bills that you are unable to pay, please visit their website or call 1-262-284-8101.
Family Sharing of Ozaukee
262-377-0634 /
With a mission of alleviating hunger in Ozaukee County with dignity and compassion, Family Sharing provides food, at no charge, to people in need in Ozaukee County. All donations of food are distributed directly to those who need it.
Approximately 42,000 pounds of food are distributed to 600 households per month. (Program participants are able to visit the pantry once every two weeks, and will receive enough food for that time period.)
Hope Network for Single Mothers
262-251-7333 /
Offers single mothers support from their infant’s birth to graduation. Includes cribs and layettes; Educational Grants which provide funds for college or technical school tuition, childcare while the mother attends school, or both; and a Trading Post with diapers, wipes and gently used clothing.
Interfaith Caregivers
262-376-5362 /
A nonprofit organization that provides voluntary support services to seniors, including those with limited mobility through-out Ozaukee County. Their goal is to help clients maintain an independent lifestyle.
Lumen Christi Employment Network
This ministry is made up of supportive businessmen and women who assist adults in job transition, especially those without the benefit of outplacement services. The employment network meets via Zoom to review progress, share successes, provide support and assist in job search strategies. Visit the Lumen Christi Parish website to learn more.
Ozaukee Cty Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
262-284-8120 /
Provides information to the general public about services, resources, and programs in areas such as: disability and long-term care related services and living arrangements, health and wellness, prevention, adult protective services, care giving, transportation, home maintenance, and nutrition. ADRC staff will also provide help to connect people with Supplemental Security In-come (SSI), FoodShare, and Medicaid as needed.
Ozaukee County Department of Human Services
If you need help with bills, or information on your options, the Department of Human Services is the entry point for people applying for food share, energy assistance, heating bill help, medical assistance, BadgerCare Plus, health care, and/or child care.
Ozaukee Family Services
262-376-7774 /
This non-profit agency serves all of Ozaukee County with a mission of “Improving lives to help individuals and families succeed.” All services are free or offered on a sliding fee scale – no one is ever turned away because of the inability to pay. Programs include offerings for families, youth and seniors, as well as counseling and prevention education.
Salvation Army – Ozaukee Chapter
262-377-6400 or 262-552-6802
Programs offered include: food assistance, job assistance and emergency assistance for rent and utilities. Clothing, food, and transportation assistance may also be available.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer lay organization whose members provide comfort and financial assistance – especially rent, utilities and food – to people in need, regardless of religious affiliation. Contact Tracey, outreach coordinator, in the St. Vincent de Paul office at 262-284-4637, ext. 101 or visit their website. St. Vincent de Paul can also assist in pointing you toward other help resources should they not be able to help with your needs.
Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM)
SAM is a faith-based ministry to provide hope, healing and reconciliation to the people of God touched by addiction. SAM’s goal is to help individuals with addictions to reconnect through education, prevention, referral and prayer support. For more information about assistance they can offer, see the Substance Addiction Ministry page.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition program
Whether you are pregnant or have already given birth to a child, you may be qualified to enroll for a program that offers you some benefits. It is known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). It has assisted in the cost and success rate of pregnancies and also targets young children who are under the age of five and to the women who are breastfeeding.